"International greetings"
Exchanging greetings.
Children send each other e-mails containing a sketch of coat of arms, a greeting message in their mother tongue and video recording including greetings. Objectives: To practise sending e-mails. - To develope artistic abilities and imagination. - To widen the understanding of language differences. - To use the map and the Internet as an important source of knowledge about the world.
• Przedmioty:
geografia, informatyka/ICT, języki obce, przedmioty w szkole podstawowej, sztuka
• Języki: EN
• Wiek ucznia: 7 - 12
• Proponowane narzędzia:
e-mail , Inne programy (Powerpoint, wideo, zdjęcia i obrazy)
• Cele:
We would like our students to get to know friends from other countries and realise the importance of languages learning in order to communicate. Studens consolidate the colour and cities names in English, they can use maps and the Internet and send e-mails
• Postęp działań:
Every teacher receives a list of partner schools addresses. Students send e-mails with a black and white sketch of a coat of arms of their town/city with a sentence "Greetings from....." in their mother tongue. They search the website for the colours they should use to colour the sketch of the coat of arms and next make a colourful book. They use a world map to find what towns/cities the partners come from
• Oczekiwane rezultaty:
Exchanging greetings. Children send each other e-mails containing a sketch of coat of arms, a greeting message in their mother tongue and audio recording inlcluding greetings.

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